Naslov (srp)

Слојеви и облици симболичког мишљења у српском средњовековном уметничком наслеђу XIV столећа на Косову и Метохији

Naslov (eng)

Layers and forms of symbolic thinking in Serbian middle ages artistic heritage of the XIVth century from Kosovo and Metohija


Јањић, Драгана
Јанићијевић, Горан

Opis (eng)

Summary: The question of the symbolism of medieval culture, based on the depictions in the wall paintings of churches from the area of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as in the old Serbian literature, is discussed in the context of iconological research, based on the work „Philosophy of Symbolic Forms” by Ernst Cassirer. Saksl and Panofsky sought and interpreted symbolic representations primarily in the works of art of the Renaissance. Roelof van Straten emphasizes that symbolic representations are rare in medieval art, citing the example of personifications of the Old and New Testament churches. In our research we started from the assumption that medieval culture in the East, especially in period of the Palaeologus dynasty, represents the same research substrate. One of the research focuses is the question of truth (in) art, which Heidegger precisely defines as the happening of „truth”. Symbolism is connected with this topic, and, according to the interpretation of J. Zizioulas „a symbol is not the truth but participates in it”. In this context, the personification of truth from the Church of the Virgin of Ljeviška in Prizren (XIV century), identified with the sun, i.e. - the New Testament, was analyzed. Part of the consideration of the symbolism of heavenly bodies (stars and planets) is based on depictions in wall paintings in which, when personifying them, ancient deities (Helius/Sol; Selene/Moon) were used. In Serbian medieval hagiographical literature, authors such as Domentianus, Theodosius and Daniel II compared the saints to the sun and stars. The appearance of light that shields as an iconographic model for the epiphany of Christ indicates the effect of the long-developed hesychastic view of the world, and in our interpretation it refers to the clear demarcation of sunlight from mystical visions of light in Venerable Symeon the New Theologian. In addition to heavenly bodies, symbols of rocks and minerals, animal and plant life were also analyzed. This led to the observation of allegories, that are seen in compositions „Wisdom builds a temple” from Gračanica and „Allegory of the transience of life” based on the poem about Barlaam and Joasaph from the Virgin of Ljeviška, as well as the composition „The Righteous Court” (Dečani, The Virgin of Ljeviška), and all of them are very complex in meaning. In addition, symbolic representations, as well as elements of hieratically postulated parts of certain representations, were considered. The interpretations are supported by the same examples of consideration of the symbols by St. Nikolaj Velimirović, as well as analyzes of symbolism in medieval literature by Dimitrije Bogdanović.

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: На основу студије Ернста Касирера „Симболичко мишљење“ (Филозофија симболичких облика II) разматрају се симболички нивои и облици у српској средњовековној уметности и књижевности у оквирима културног наслеђа са Косова и Метохије као и оног, које је, посредно, повезано са овим подручјем. У одабраном истраживачком супстрату посматрају се и анализирају симболички прикази (симболи, персонификације, алегорије...) на основу иконолошке типологије, коју је систематизовао Роелоф ван Стратен као и неких тумачења светог Николаја Жичког и Охридског („Символи и сигнали“). Препознавање аналогија таквих ликовних приказа у књижевности такође је утемељено на искуствима иконолошког метода историје уметности (Ервин Панофски), чиме се парадигматичност и симболичност средњовековне културе, упркос чињеници мање заинтересованости ранијих истраживача за такав приступ наведеној баштини, афирмише као значајно истраживачко поље и извор сазнања по питању културолошког континуитета.






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Key words: symbol, personification, sun, moon, cave.

Кључне речи: симбол, персонификација, сунце, месец, пећина.

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