Naslov (srp)

Transnacionalni terorizam u posthladnoratovskom periodu

Naslov (eng)

Transnational terrorism in the post-cold war period


Bursać, Boris

Opis (eng)

Abstract: We are witnessing that terrorism has been constantly growing from the end of the Cold War until today and that it is at an higher technological level than ever. As a kind of wider version of domestic terrorism, a phenomenon known as transnational terrorism appears to us. This transformation towards the transnational can be thanked to many factors, and among the most important are certainly: globalization, technological progress, and religious extremism. What distinguishes transnational terrorism from other types of terrorism is certainly its complex organizational structure, the use of advanced technology and, of course, its transnationality - its presence in different geographical areas. This transnational reach and scope of some organizations represents a more serious challenge and risk than non-state armed groups within a single, clearly defined geographical area. Therefore, we will dedicate this paper to this interesting phenomenon as well as to some organizations that represent it. This scientific paper will consist of six chapters. In the introductory part, we will pay attention to the general circumstances and the global imbalance that emerged after the Cold War, as well on the impact of that imbalance on creation of opportunities which represent fertile ground for the emergence of terrorist organizations. In the second part, we will deal with the concept and typology of terrorism, and after that in the third chapter we will clearly specify what transnational terrorism is and thus make a clear distinction between this and other forms or types of terroris. The fourth chapter will be a brief overview of September 11th, the day when a terrorist organization known as Al Qaeda managed to add the epithet of global or transnational to terrorism. In the fifth chapter, we will deal with the network of all networks - Al Qaeda, and with the sixth chapter we will complete this scientific work and reach some kind of conclusion.

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Svedoci smo da je terorizam od kraja Hladnog rata pa do danas u konstantnom porastu i na sve višem tehnološkom nivou. Kao svojevrsna proširena verzija domaćeg terorizma javlja nam se fenomen poznatiji kao transnacionalni terorizam. Tu transformaciju ka transnacionalnom možemo zahvaliti mnogim faktorima a među najznačajnijim svakako su : globalizacija, tehnološki napredak i verski ekstremizam. Ono što transnacionalni terorizam razlikuje od ostalih terorizama, svakako je njegov složena organizaciona struktura, korišćenje sve naprednije tehnologije i naravno njegova transnacionalnost, odnosno prisustvo na različitim geografskim područjima. Ovaj transnacionalni domet i opseg delovanja pojedinih organizacija predstavlja ozbiljniji izazov od nedržavnih oružanih grupa u okviru jednog, jasno definisanog geografskog područja. Stoga ćemo ovaj rad upravo posvetiti ovom interesantnom fenomenu kao i pojedinim organizacijama koje ga predstavljaju. Rad će se sastojati iz šest poglavlja. U uvodnom delu ćemo se baviti opštim prilikama i svestkim disbalansom koji je nastao nakon Hladnog rata, kao i njegovom uticaju na stvaranju prilika koje su plodno tle za terorističke organizacije. U drugom delu bavićemo se pojmom i tipologijom terorizma, da bi u trećem poglavlju jasno precizirali šta je transnacionalni terorizam i tako napravili jasnu distinkciju ove od ostalih oblika ili tipova terorizma. Četvrto poglavlje biće kratak osvrt na 11. septembar, dan kada je jedna teroristička organizacija uspela terorizmu dodati epitet globalnog ili transnacionalnog. U petom poglavlju bavićemo se mrežom svih mreža Al Kaidom, da bismo šestim poglavljem završili ovaj naučni rad i doneli svojevrsan zaključak.






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Keywords: terrorism, Cold War, transnational terrorism, Al-Qaeda.

Ključne reči: terorizam, Hladni rat, transnacionalni terorizam, Al Kaida

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