Naslov (eng)

Assessment of aquatic environmental parameters and identification of sources of pollution


Perović, Marija
Sretenović, Žarko
Milovanović, Marija
Obradović, Vesna


Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Water quality is a complex issue impacted by natural conditions and anthropogenic activities. It is usually reported based on simultaneous chemical, physical, and biological analysis of results. The utilization of water and environmental protection of this valuable resource will greatly depend on water composition. Presented research included monthly measurements of 19 physicochemical parameters of water quality, during a 5-year period, from an official state monitoring program, for two profiles on the Danube in Serbia. The aim of the research was determination of the relations between examined parameters, and their analysis in the light of tracing the potential signature of anthropogenic impact on water quality. The analysis of the results confirmed that the distance from the pollution source and the accompanying dilution have a significant influence on the concentration levels of the observed parameters. Without measured significant variations in parameter concentrations only an indication of the pollution origin can be designated.






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water quality; PCA analysis; sewage

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o:243 Institut za vodoprivredu "Jaroslav Černi"