Naslov (eng)

The cross-section of legal and the iso 45001 standard requirements in the management of health and safety at work


Perović, Marija
Todorović, Marija


Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The protection of health and safety at work, the avoidance of illnesses and accidents at work, and the promotion of a positive and long-lasting work environment are the main purposes of occupational health and safety. Occupational health and safety are regulated by laws and by-laws, by implementing prescribed safety procedures and by meeting the ISO 45001 requirements. This paper discusses the crucial intersection between the application of ISO 45001, an internationally recognized standard for occupational health and safety management systems, and the legal framework governing safety and health at work (Law on Safety and Health at Work “Official Gazette of RS", No. 35/2023). ISO 45001 provides organizations with a structured approach to managing occupational risks and promoting a safe working environment, while legislation on safety and health at work sets forth mandatory requirements for workplace safety compliance. The paper presents a useful tool for incorporating the ISO45001 standard requirements into the business environment. It points out that the fulfilment of legal requirements corresponds to the fulfilment of individual ISO45001 standard clause requirements. The paper also explores the impact of ISO 45001's proactive approach to risk management on reducing workplace accidents, enhancing worker well-being, and improving overall productivity. It presents real-world examples to show how implementing ISO 45001 can help organizations stay compliant with the law and promote a culture of safety. The importance of harmonizing ISO 45001's principles with the legal framework on safety and health at work is emphasized within the paper. Organizations can create a robust safety management system that not only enhances compliance but also improves overall safety standards, promoting a healthier and more secure work environment for employees. The research provides valuable insights for organizations seeking to optimize their safety management practices, foster legal compliance, and prioritize the well-being of their workforce.






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ISO 4500; legal requirements; work safety measures implementation

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