Naslov (eng)

Water quality assessment for irrigation from the South Morava River (Abstract)


Pivić, Radmila
Dinić, Zoran
Maksimović, Jelena
Stanojković-Sebić, Aleksandra

Opis (eng)

Abstract: During 2013, in July, August and September, samples were collected from 37 locations from the South Morava River, used for irrigation of agricultural soil directly along the river. The suitability of water for irrigation is assessed by the Stebler, Nejgebauer, US Salynity Laboratory, FAO and RSC classifications. The obtained results indicated certain limitations in the quality of the samples of water samples from South Morava at certain locations during August (area Pavlovac and Zlatokop) and in September (area: Bujanovac, Srpska kuća, Pavlovac, Donji Neredovac, Zlatokop and Suvi Dol). The content of microelements and heavy metals in all tested water samples was below the maximum permissible levels in relation to the legal regulations of the Republic of Serbia. Based on the obtained results, it is estimated that South Morava river water can be used for irrigation with restrictions at places where limitations were recorded during the summer months, in order to protect agricultural soil from further degradation.






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Classifications, irrigation, water

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