Naslov (eng)

Estimation models for deformability of marlstones based on their physical and mechanical properties and for variable load range


Kostić, Srđan


Austrian Society for Geomechanics

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: In present paper we establish the correlation between the field determined values of elasticity E and deformability modulus D of marlstones and their laboratory determined physicomechanical properties. Laboratory results which are taken into consideration are the following: unit weight, moisture content, uniaxial compression strength, cohesion, friction angle, maximum and minimum pressuremeter load range, as input parameters, and elasticity and deformability modulus as output parameters. Statistically significant correlations are determined by applying multiple linear regression method and ANOVA test. Established correlations indicate that both for E and D properties for undisturbed rock samples (cohesion, unit weight, uniaxial compression strength) do not have significant effect, while friction angle has strong positive effect both on E and D. Moisture content have negative effect on E and D. Minimum/maximum load stress have opposite effect on E and D, meaning that deterioration of rock mass in situ with the increase of stress has negative effect on D.






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pressuremeter, marlstone, elasticity modulus, deformability modulus

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o:243 Institut za vodoprivredu "Jaroslav Černi"