Naslov (srp)

Rast kristala Bi10.17Sb30.72Zr0.35Te58.28Se0.48 Bridžman postupkom


Požega, Emina
Simonović, Danijela
Marjanović, Saša
Jovanović, Milenko
Krstić, Slađana
Mikić, Miomir

Opis (srp)

Izvod: Globalno zagrevanje usled upotrebe fosilnih goriva i cena energije su veliki problemi u današnjem svetu. Iz tog razloga se povećava interesovanje za termoelektričnim materijalima koji se mogu koristiti za konvertovanje otpadne toplote u električnu energiju. U radu su opisana stečena iskustva u sintezi monokristala bizmut telurida dopiranog Zr Bridžman postupkom.Pri spajanju bizmuta i telura u stehiometrijskom odnosu sa formulom Bi2Te3, dobili smo visokokvalitetni monokristal p-tipa koji ima veliku koncentraciju nosioca naelektrisanja i pokretljivost (p≈1019 cm-3 i μ=103 cm2Vs-1). To je dovelo do poboljšanja faktora kvaliteta ZT. Za monokristal Bi10.17Sb30.72Zr0.35Te58.28Se0.48 dobijena je vrednost faktora kvaliteta Z =1.22 10-3 K-1 na 300°C što potvrđuje da čak i mala količina cirkonijuma utiče na termoelektrične osobine ovog monokristala i dovodi do mogućnosti primene ovih materijala i na visokim temperaturama.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Global warming due to the use of fossil fuels and energy prices are major problems in today's world. For this reason, there is increasing interest in thermoelectric materials that can be used to convert waste heat into electricity. The paper describes the experience gained in the synthesis of bismuth telluride single crystal doped with Zr by Bridgman process.When coupling bismuth and tellurium in a stoichiometric relationship with the Bi2Te3 formula, we obtained a high-quality p-type single crystal having high charge carrier concentration and mobility (p≈1019 cm-3 and μ = 103 cm2Vs-1). This has led to an improvement in the quality factor ZT. For the Bi10.17Sb30.72Zr0.35Te58.28Se0.48 single crystal, the value of the quality factor Z=1.22 • 10-3 K-1 at 300 °C was obtained, confirming that even a small amount of zirconium affects the thermoelectric properties of this single crystal and leads to the possibility applications of these materials even at high temperatures.






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Ključne reči: ušteda energije, energetska efikasnost, termoelektrični materijali, rast, monokristal bizmut telurida, Bridžman postupak

Key words: energy saving, energy efficiency, thermoelectric materials, growth, bismuth telluride single crystal, Bridgman process

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