Naslov (eng)

Contamination of rivers watercourses in Bor district with As and Cd ions


Marković, Radmila
Obradović, Ljubiša
Gardić, Vojka
Kovačević, Renata
Stevanović, Zoran
Isvoran, Adriana
Marinković, Vladan

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: Four sampling campaigns are realized in the period from 10.09.2019 to 10.09.2020 aim to determine the As and Cd ions concentration in the rivers watercourses in Bor District. Sampling points are selected according to the influence on the water quality of Bor River, Krivelj River, Timok River and Danube River. Metallurgical wastewater has the dominant influence on the Cd ions concentration in the selected surface water. As ions distribution in the rivers watercourses is depend of the As ions concentration in the both type of wastewater, acid mine drainage and metallurgical wastewater.






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Keywords: Wastewater, Amd, Arsenic, Cadmium

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor