Toxic Metals in 3 Fractions (d<63μm, d63-250μm and d250-1000μm) of Dust Collected on Roads of Industrial Town Kostolac, Serbia
Ilijević, K.
Orlić, J.
Milisavljević, N.
Zelenović, J.
Kukobat, L.
Vidojević, Dragana
Zarić, N. M.
Kostolac is a town exposed to several serious sources of toxic metals and other inorganic pollutants. They arrive from sources typical for urban environments such as traffic, but also from various heavy industry sources: coal mining, burning of coal in power plants, ash landfills, and steel factory. Toxic metals in the air are concentrated in particulate matter. Their transport and health risks depend strongly on the size of dust particles...
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