Naslov (eng)

Progress in management of contaminated sites in Serbia


Vidojević, Dragana
Jovanovic, Milenko
Maric, Lidija
Siljić Tomic, Aleksandra


University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor

Opis (eng)

Abstract: This study presents a current situation in management of contaminated sites in Serbia. According to the data from the Cadastre of contaminated sites managed by the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, 709 potentially contaminated and contaminated sites were identified. Additional and more detailed surveys are needed in order to update the information in the Cadastre, results of which will be used to set up a National priority list for restoration and remediation, ultimately reducing the pressure on natural ecosystems and human health. In the past years, UN Environment and other UN agencies provided project support with a strong capacity-building component for managing contaminated sites. By strengthening of administrative capacities, facilitating exchange of experiences and field investigation, these projects contributed to enhanced cooperation between institutions dealing with land management issues, but also to the increased share of sites where detailed surveys and remediation were carried out in 2017 in comparison to the 2007. Preliminary investigation of Bor contaminated site shows high concentrations of pollutants in environment that could have negative impact on human health and environment.






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contaminated sites, investigated sites, Bor, human health

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