Naslov (eng)

Technologies for physical treatment of water containing selenium: a review


Marjanović, Vesna
Marković, Radmila
Krstić, Vesna

Opis (eng)

Abstract This paper presents an overview o f technologies for physical treatment o f water containing selenium (Se) as a pollutant. Water with high content o f selenium comes from the mining industry, production of pesticides and their use in agriculture, during coal combustion, etc. Physical treatment technologies include the reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. The reverse osmosis technology is applicable and the legal regulations can be met, as the concentration o f Se in the final solution is less than 5 mg L -1. The nanofiltration technology can be used to treat the mine wastewater that contains a low concentration of Se in the form o f metals. As with the application o f reverse osmosis, the legal regulations can be met.

Opis (eng)

The 52nd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy November 29th - 30th, 2021






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Keywords: selenium, wastewater, physical treatment technologies

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