Naslov (eng)

Domestic violence – the position of the child in violence suffered by the parent as a victim

Naslov (srp)

Nasilje u porodici – pozicija deteta u nasilju koje trpi roditelj žrtva


Krstinić, Dalibor
Počuča, Milan
Sančanin, Đorđe

Opis (srp)

Rezime: Nasilje u porodici, bez obzira na koji način da se manifestuje pojava je koja poslednjih godina skreće na sebe sve značajniju doktrinarnu i medijsku pažnju i veoma je složen problem. Brojna su pitanja o nasilju u porodici na koja je rad pokušao da pruži odgovore. Međutim, bitno je istaći da nasilje u porodici nije jedini vid nasilja kom dete može biti izloženo, ili sa kojim može biti povezano na posredan ili neposredan način. Imajući u vidu da jedan oblik nasilja pretežno uzrokuje i povlači za sobom i druge oblike nasilja kojima dete može biti izloženo, pa čak se i naći u svojstvu samog nasilnika, autori rada su smatrali da je bitno u kraćim crtama pomenuti i druge oblike nasilja u čijem središtu se može naći dete, kao što je digitalno nasilje i nasilje u školama. Težište rada svakako se ticalo pozicije deteta u situacijama kada se dešava nasilje prema jednom od roditelja (najčešće majci) od strane drugog roditelja (nejčešće oca). Zaključak je da je neposredno ili posredno prisustvo i/ ili saznanje deteta o nasilju koje trpi majka zapravo izrazito negativan obrazac ponašanja koji u najvećem procentu deca i sama usvajaju tokom razvoja.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Domestic violence, regardless of how it is manifested, represents a phenomenon which has recently attracted more and more significant doctrinal and media attention and it is a very complex problem. There are numerous questions about domestic violence to which this paper tried to provide answers. However, it is important to point out that domestic violence is not the only type of violence to which a child can be exposed, or to which he/she can be connected in an indirect or direct way. Bearing in mind that one form of violence predominantly causes and entails the other forms of violence to which a child can be exposed, and even find him/herself in the capacity of being a bully, the authors of the paper considered it important to briefly mention the other forms of violence in which the center of attention can be the child, such as digital violence and violence in schools. The focus of the paper has certainly concerned the position of the child in situations where violence against one of the parents (mostly against the mother) by the other parent (mostly the father) occurs. The conclusion is that the direct or indirect child’s presence and/or his/her knowledge of the violence suffered by the mother is actually an extremely negative pattern of behavior being adopted by the majority of children during their development.






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Keywords: domestic violence, child, victim, abuser, the Family Law, the Law on prevention of domestic violence

Ključne reči: nasilje u porodici, dete, žrtva, nasilnik, Porodični zakon, Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici

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