Naslov (srp)

Oblici zaveštanja u evropskim zakonodavstvima

Naslov (eng)

Forms of testaments in European legislatures


Vasiljković, Jovana
Krstinić, Dalibor

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Zaveštanje predstavlja jednostrani pravni posao zato što nastaje izjavom volje jednog lica i po svojim osobinama se izdvaja od ostalih pravnih poslova. Zaveštalac zaveštanjem može da raspolaže svojim pravima i da stvori obavezu za sebe, a obaveze zaveštanja deluju tek posle smrti zaveštaoca. Zaveštanje se može sačiniti u jednom od zakonom propisanih oblika. Primarni cilj ovog rada jeste upravo prikazivanje i analiza oblika zaveštanja u zakonodavstvu Republike Srbije i odabranim evropskim zakonodavstvima Francuske, Nemačke, Italije i Engleske. Metode koje će biti korišćene u okviru rada biće: komparativna analiza oblika zaveštanja u navedenim zakonodavstvima, koju će upotpuniti normativni metod, dok ćemo analizom sadržaja na sistematičan način pristupiti proučavanoj materiji, i istorijski metod, koji će nam poslužiti da sagledamo poreklo određenih oblika zaveštanja.

Opis (eng)

Summary: A testament is a unilateral legal act as it is made by a declaration of will of one person and is distinguished from other legal acts by its characteristics. By means of testament the testators may dispose of their rights and create an obligation for themselves and the obligations of the testament do not come into effect until after the death of the testator. A testament can be made in one of the forms prescribed by the law. The primary goal of this paper is to demonstrate and analyse different forms of testaments in the legislature of the Republic of Serbia and the chosen European legislatures of France, Germany, Italy and England. The following methods will be used in the paper: comparative analysis of the forms of testaments in the said legislatures, to be completed by the normative method, while by analysing the content in a systematic way we shall approach the subject matter, and the historical method, which will help us review the origin of certain forms of testaments.






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Ključne reči: oblici zaveštanja, zaveštalac, testament, evropsko zakonodavstvo

Keywords: forms of testaments, testator, testament, European legislature

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