Naslov (eng)

Application of an efficient algorithm for optimization mixture composition of boronizing process during the COVID-19 pandemic


Požega, Emina
Miletić, Slavica

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT Appearance of the covid-19 virus caused a social and economic disorder, a change in the world and people's lives. In order to reduce energy consumption, production costs, obtain high material utilization, reduce the number of experiments in difficult working conditions during the pandemic, a program for boronizing process simulation was applied. The paper presents application of an efficient algorithm for optimization mixture composition of boronizing process during the covid-19 pandemic. The practical application of the tested composition of activators in the boride-based boron mixture on iron powder castings was achieved through obtaining materials with a quality boride layer and with characteristics that meet the conditions of application in modern industrial plants. In order to apply the activator in the boron-based boronizing mixture as the most suitable ratios for obtaining quality boride layers, the obtained samples were characterized. A simplex plan with fifteen experimental points was used for the experiment, and a polynomial of the fourth degree was used for the mathematical model. The impact of the COVID-19 consequences on science and scientists, their works and researches is reduced this way.






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KEYWORDS COVID-19, analysis, evaluation, boronizing, boride layers

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:179 Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor