Naslov (eng)

Drinking water scarcity as an actual problem today

Naslov (srp)

Oskudnost pijaće vode kao aktuelni problem današnjice


Antonović, Ratomir

Opis (eng)

Abstract: We are living in a period of major climate changes that are affecting the entire planet Earth. Climatic changes lead to a particularly large rise in temperatures, fewer rainy days, which inevitably leads to a decrease in water resources used for consumption. According to meteorologists, the summer of 2022 is considered one of the driest summers in the past period, and river levels are at unprecedented minimum water levels. Water supply to end users is threatened and questioned in many cities and towns in the world, and the situation in our country is no better compared to global conditions. What are the mechanisms for preventing the complete disappearance of drinking water and whether this is a scenario we can hope for in the not-so-distant future is the topic of this paper. Current conditions and indicators, problems in water supply and the needs of the world's population for drinking water are taken as a parameter. It also points to hitherto unused water resources, such as underground water resources, then "grey" water, i.e. waste water of kitchen origin, but not "black" water, which is also waste water, but of toilet origin. As a reminder, in the past there were authors who warned about the problem that water will be charged the same as oil, and that the time will come when a liter of water will be more expensive than a liter of oil. Have we reached that situation or are we very close to it? A good part of the world lacks drinking water and many are thirsty. According to research from 2017, 663 million people live without a source of drinking water, and the most affected are the populations of Papua New Guinea, Mozambique and Madagascar. On the other hand, watercourses and water sources are being carelessly polluted in our country, which, although we are a country rich in water, puts us in the position of countries that are on the critical water supply agenda. Therefore, the analysis of the factual situation and the perception of the future are the subject of the author's interest. The goal, which represents a joint effort, is to find a sustainable development strategy that should ensure as much as - as much safe sources of water supply even in difficult drinking water supply conditions.

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Živimo u periodu velikih klimatskih promena koje zahvataju čitavu planetu Zemlju. Klimatske promene dovode do izrazito velikog porasta temperatura, smanjuju se kišni dani, što neumitno dovodi do smanjenja vodnih resursa koji se koriste za potrebe konzumacije. Prema rečima meteorologa, leto 2022. godine se smatra za jedno od najsušnijih leta u proteklom periodu, a nivoi reka su na do sad nezapamćenim minimalnim vodostajima. Vodosnabdevanje krajnjih korisnika je ugroženo i dovedeno u pitanje u mnogim gradovima i mestima u svetu, a stanje u našoj zemlji nije ništa bolje u odnosu na globalne prilike. Koji su mehanizmi prevencije potpunog nestanka pijaće vode i da li je to scenario kojem se možemo nadati u ne tako davnoj budućnosti, jeste tema ovog rada. Kao parametar se uzimaju trenutna stanja i indikatori, problemi u vodosnabdevanju i potrebe svetskog stanovništva za pijaćom vodom. Takođe, ukazuje se na do sada neiskorišćene vodne resurse, kao što su podzemni vodni resursi, potom „sive“ vode, tj. otpadne vode kuhinjskog porekla, ali ne I „crne“ vode, koje su takođe otpadne vode, ali toaletnog porekla. Podsećanja radi, u prošlosti je bilo autora koji su upozoravali na problem da će se voda naplaćivati jednako kao nafta, te da će doći vreme da litar vode bude skuplji od litre nafte. Da li smo došli u tu situaciju ili smo joj vrlo blizu? Dobar deo sveta oskuduje sa pijaćom vodom i mnogi žeđuju. Prema istraživanjima iz 2017. godine, 663 miliona ljudi živi bez izvora vode za piće, a najpogođenije je stanovništvo Papua Nove Gvineje, Mozambika I Madagaskara. Sa druge strane, u našoj zemlji se nemarno zagađuju vodotokovi i izvori vode, čime se, iako smo zemlja bogata vodom, stavljamo u poziciju zemalja koje se nalaze na kritičnoj agendi vodosnabdevanja. Dakle, analiza činjeničnog stanja i percepcije budućnosti, predstavljaju predmet interesovanja autora. Cilj, koji predstavlja zajedničko stremljenje jeste pronalaženje strategije održivog razvoja koja bi trebalo da osigura koliko – toliko sigurne izvore vodosnabdevanja i u otežanim uslovima snabdevanja pijaćom vodom.






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Ključne reči: voda, snabdevanje, piće, nestašica, mere.

Key words: water, supply, drinking, shortage, measures.

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