Naslov (eng)

Security challenges and risks during the pandemic COVID-19


Antonović, Ratomir
Duljević, Birsena
Životić, Ilija

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The whole world was affected by the great crisis caused by the pandemic of the deadly virus COVID-19. Since the end of 2019, when this virus appeared, life on the global level has changed greatly. New rules for the functioning of society have been adopted, based on the necessity dictated by the virus pandemic. In addition to health, which was first hit by the pandemic, severe consequences were also borne by the economy, the economy, service activities, education, as well as other vital social branches.From the aspect of this paper, the impact of COVID 19 on the security of society will be primarily observed, as well as new manifestations of crime and criminal activities that have experienced their expansion in extraordinary circumstances, caused by this virus. In particular, the paper will deal with new ways of committing old crimes, taking advantage of weaknesses that have necessarily arisen in the conditions of defending vital values, and in the first place the lives of people.






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Keywords: pandemic; security; crime; robbery; money laundering; theft; murder; smuggling.

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