Naslov (eng)

Caraway (Carum carvi L.) essential oil improves quality of dry- fermented sausages produced with different levels of sodium nitrite


Tomović, Vladimir
Šojić, Branislav
Savanović, Jovo
Kocić-Tanackov, Sunčica
Pavlić, Branimir
Jokanović, Marija
Đorđević, Vesna
Parunović, Nenad
Martinović, Aleksandra
Vujadinović, Dragan

Opis (eng)

araway (Carum carvi L.) essential oil (CEO: 0.01, 0.05, 0.10 µl/g) was used in dry- fermented sausages manufactured with 15% and 25% of fat and three levels of sodium nitrite (0, 75, 150 mg/kg). Dry- fermented sausages were vacuum packed and stored (225 days) and their physico– chemical, microbial, and sensory attributes were assessed (a total of 288 dry- fermented sausages were produced). The inclusion of CEO had a significant effect on pH, texture and color, odor, and flavor. Moreover, the partial and total replacement of sodium nitrite with CEO (0.01 µl/g) provided acceptable TBARS values (<0.3 mg MDA/kg) in low- fat (15%) of sausages throughout the storage. The usage of CEO at 0.10 µl/g affected formation of atypical flavor. Generally, our findings confirmed that the CEO has promising potential for development of dry- fermented sausages with reduced level of sodium nitrite, primarily regarding their oxidative stability.






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