Naslov (srp)

Regulisanje ugovora o građenju u nekim zemljama Evropske unije

Naslov (eng)

Legal regulations of construction contracts in some countries of the European Union


Stanković, Marija

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: CONSTRUCTION contracts differ from country to country. It is a result of a number of different factors, depending on the legal system that underpins the legislation of a particular Member State of the EU. Regarding the fact that there are two generally accepted systems among the Member States of the European Union, the Roman continental and Anglo-Saxon, the forms of the construction contracts are different. And if we look at the form of the contract in the Roman continental system being divided into a pandekts and institutional system, we can even there find the different variations of the form of the construction contract. As far as Scandinavia is concerned, there are more and more strongholds that it represents the legal system by itself, a kind of mixture of the common law and continental system. THE author of the paper will show the legal regulation of the construction contract and how it is standardized in some legislative systems of the European Union. Is the construction contract considered to be an independent contractor or there is an analogy being used in the contract for supply of a service as well as in special acts.

Opis (srp)

REZIME: Ugovori o građenju se razlikuju od države do države. To ima više različitih faktora, zavisno od pravnog sistema na kome počiva pravo države članice EU. Kako su opšte prihvaćena dva sistema u državama članicama Evropske unije, rimsko kontinentalni i anglosaksonski sistem tako se i forme ugovora razlikuju. A ako se pogleda forma ugovora u rimsko kontinentalnom sistemu, koji delimo na pandektni sistem i institucionalni sistem i tu možemo videti razna odstupanja od formi za ugovor o građenju. Za Skandinaviju ima sve više uporišta da je ona pravni sistem za sebe, neka vrsta mešavine između common law i kontinentalnog sistema. Autor će u radu prikazati pravno regulisanje ugovora o građenju i kako je normirano u nekim zakonodavstvima Evropske unije. Da li je ugovor o građenju samostalni imenovani ugovor ili se koristi analogija preko ugovora o delu i posebnih zakona?






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Ključne reči: ugovori, ugovor o građenju, Evropska unija, forma ugovora

Keywords: contracts, construction contract, the European Union, the form of the contract

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1575 Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe