Naslov (eng)

The role of feedback as a management tool in performance management program


Mamula Nikolić, Tatjana
Bovan, Ana
Perić, Nenad

Opis (eng)

Abstract: There is a constant pressure to achieve targets, to reach higher performance levels, and to ensure that the employee's effort supports and fosters the organization's goals. To ensure that activities are aligned with the organization's strategy, vision, mission and values, the organization needs to concentrate on what the employees are actually doing. The organization does this through performance management. Performance management process is not feasible without the feedback culture in the organization. The feedback system involves different ways of achieving feedback, both at the employee’s as well as at the organization’s level. The objective of this paper is to present the result of the survey on the importance of fostering feedback as a management tool in strengthening the organization. The survey was conducted in the beginning of 2019 in a non-profit organization. Some of the results show that effective feedback requires that the employee has a goal, takes action to achieve the goal, and receives goal-related feedback on his or her actions. The employee goals and performance, coupled with organization goals and performance, are directly linked to the key success factors. The paper shows, apart from the importance of conducting regularly feedback, how feedback could encourage good relations between management and employees motivating them to do their best.






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Keywords: performance management program; feedback culture; learning organization; human resource management.

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