Naslov (srp)

Naknada štete zbog neizvršenja ugovorne obaveze kod kupoprodajnog ugovora u spoljnotrgovinskom poslovanju

Naslov (eng)

Compensation for damages due to a failure to perform a contractual obligation in a purchase and sales contract in foreign trade operations


Praštalo, Tanja
Đurđev, Dušanka

Opis (srp)

REZIME: Jedna od najstarijih ljudskih delatnosti su promet robe, usluga, novca i drugih imovinskih vrednosti kako unutar jedne zemlje, tako i izvan njenih granica. Spoljnotrgovinsko poslovanje je od izuzetnog značaja za društveno-ekonomske odnose među državama. Svaka država samostalno reguliše promet robe i usluga. Ipak, nijedna privreda države nije sama po sebi dovoljna, tako da je sasvim opravdana potreba da se uključuju na međunarodna tržišta. Međusobnom trgovinskom saradnjom, države prenose dejstva zaključenih ugovora izvan njenih granica, te je potreba za unifakacijom pojedinih normi preko neophodna, kao i regulisanje pitanja povrede ugovorne obaveze i naknade štete kao posledice iste. Pojedine države strahuju da ratifikacijom međunarodnih pravila prihvataju rešenja koja bi bila u suprotnom sa njihovim nacionalnim zakonodavstvom. Nave- deno je samo jedan od niza razloga otpora država, a ujedno i poteškoća u ostvarivanju jedinstvenog prihvatljivog rešenja. U ovom radu je analiziran pojam, značaj spoljnotrgovinskog poslovanaja za države, zatim prava i obaveze ugovornih strana i naknada štete zbog povrede ugovorne obaveze neizvršenjem kod kupoprodajnog ugovora.

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: One of the oldest human activities is the trade of goods, services, money and other property values both within a country and abroad. Foreign trade business has an exceptional importance for socio-eco- nomic relations between countries. Each state independently regulates the trade of goods and services. However, no state economy is self-sufficient, so its need to join the international markets is quite justified. Through a mutual trade cooperation, states transfer the effects of the concluded agreements beyond their borders, and the need for the unification of certain norms is absolutely necessary, as well as the regulation of the issue of a breach of contractual obligation and compensation for damages as a consequence resulting from such a thing. Some countries have a fear of ratifying the international rules, because they think that the accepted solutions would be contrary to their national legislation. There is mentioned only one of the reasons for the states resistance, as well as the difficulties in achieving the unique acceptable solution. This paper analyzes the concept, the importance of foreign trade business for countries, then the rights and obligations of the contracting parties and the compensation for damage due to a breach of a contractual obligation by non-performance in the sales contract.






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Keywords: foreign trade operations, rights and obligations from the sales contract, non-performance of the contractual obligation, Vienna Convention, compensation for damages

Ključne reči: spoljnotrgovinsko poslovanje, prava i obaveze iz kupoprodajnog ugovora, neizvršenje ugovorne obaveze, Bečka konvencija, naknada štete

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1575 Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe