Naslov (eng)

Protection measures for the children without a parental care

Naslov (srp)

Mere zaštite dece bez roditeljskog staranja


Stefanović, Nenad
Stanković, Marko

Opis (srp)

REZIME: Hraniteljstvo predstavlja najznačajniju meru kojom se štite prava i interesi dece koja su ili ostala bez roditeljskog staranja ili imaju izvesne smetnje u razvoju i ponašanju, a ne mogu da žive sa biološkim roditeljima. Pored hraniteljstva kao mere zaštite dece bez roditeljskog sta- ranja u pravnom sistemu Republike Srbije, postoje još instituti starateljstva i usvojenja. Hraniteljstvo se najčešće vezuje za altruizam i humanost ljudi koji su odlučili da budu hranitelji, a te osobine su imali i pre te odluke. Hraniteljstvo je u Republici Srbiji imalo svoje uspone i padove. Kriza u društvu se odrazila i na ovaj institut, ali je humanost koju hraniteljstvo nosi u svom nukleusu i činjenica da se pomaže nemoćnima uvek uspevala da obezbedi da hraniteljstvo ne nestane iz pravne regulative. Cilj ovog rada je da se upotrebom komparativnog, istorijskog, analitičkog i deskriptivnog metoda obradi hraniteljstvo kao jedna od mera zaštite dece bez roditeljskog staranja, kao i da se ukaže na trenutno stanje hraniteljskih porodica u Re- publici Srbiji i položaj dece u njima.

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: Foster care is the most important measure of the protection of the rights and interests of the children who have either been left without a parental care or have had certain developmental and behavioural disorders, and cannot live with their biological parents. In addition to a foster care as a measure of the protection of the children without a parental care, in a legal system of Republic of Serbia, there are some other institutes of a legal guardianship and adoption too. Foster care is most often associated with altruism and humanity of the people who have decided to be foster parents, and who had had these qualities even before that decision. Foster care in Republic of Serbia has had its ups and downs. The social crisis has also affected this institute, but the humanity that foster care carries in its nucleus and the fact of helping the helpless has always managed to ensure a foster care not to disappear from the legal regulations. By using the comparative, historical, analytical and descriptive method, the aim of this paper is to analyse a foster care as one of the measures of protecting the children without a parental care, as well as to indicate the current state of foster families in Republic of Serbia and the position of children in them.






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Ključne reči: hraniteljstvo, zaštita dece, starateljstvo, usvojenje, porodica

Keywords: foster care, children`s protection, legal guardianship, adoption, family

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1575 Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe