Памћење страха: Други светски рат од књижевности до филма
Memory of fear: the Second World War from literature to film
Summary: The director Aleksandar Sasa Petrovic takes as the basis of his two war films, as David Norris defines them, the “small stories” from the war, about individual human destinies, for which he found a foothold in his personal biography, in the lived and the remembered experience. Two films were in the focus of this paper, Three (Tri) (1965) and Group Portrait with a Lady (Gruppenbild mit Dame (1977). The film Three is based on four short stories (“In the Sign of April” (“U znaku aprila”), “Dragon” (“Zmaj”), “Fern and Fire” (“Paprat I vatra”) and “Melons” (“Dinje”) by Antonije Isaković from the collection Fern and Fire, published in 1962. The film Group Portrait with a Lady (Gruppenbild mit Dame) is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name (1971) by the German Nobel laureate Heinrich Bell. Following the motif of fear, the work shows what transformations Isaković’s short stories and Bel’s novel went through on the way to the screen. The curiosity of these two films in the entire creative opus of Sasa Petrovic remains in the fact that the authors of literary specimens worked on the script together with him, who, like him, felt the horrors of the Second World War on their own skin. Hence, in these films, fear is not produced, but reproduced from experience. Fear, as Bart (Roland Barthes) said, may be a mediocre and unworthy feeling, but we see that in our and all future times, reproduced in this way, it is left as a warning of a new danger.
Апстракт: У фокусу рада нашла су се два филма, Три (1965) и Групни портрет с дамом (1977), из опуса редитеља Александра Саше Петровића. Петровић (1929–1994) је био сведок великих ратних страхота, бомбардовања, умирања, у том је смислу Исаковићева, као и Белова проза била податна каo предложак за филмове. Пратећи мотив страха, рад показује које су трансформације Исаковићеве приповетке и Белов роман прошли на путу за екран.
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Кључне речи: Папрат и ватра, Три, Групни портрет с дамом / Gruppenbild mit Dame, Антоније Исаковић, Хајнрих Бел / Heinrich Boll, Александар Саша Петровић.
Key words: Three / Три, Group Portrait with a Lady / Gruppenbild mit Dame, Antonie Isaković, Heinrich Boll, Aleksandar Saša Petrović.