Policijski službeni pas kao sredstvo prinude
A police service dog as a means of coercion
REZIME: Upotreba životinja u izvršavanju kompleksnih zadataka od strane policijskih službenika i vojnih jedinica, ne predstavlja nikakvu novinu u operativnom i zakonskom smislu, ali ova tematika nije dovoljno razmatrana u stručnim i naučnim krugovima, za šta ima prostora posebno ako se uzmu u obzir pojedine ,,novine“ u zakonodavnom smislu koje su nastupile na međunarodnom nivou. Osnovna hipoteza ovog rada odnosi se na razmatranje pitanja upotrebe policijskog službenog psa. U okviru pomenutog razmatranja, fokus rada je grupisan u dve celine i to na onu koja se odnosi na zakonodavno predviđanje upotrebe policijskog službenog psa u smislu obuke i upotrebe, dok se druga celina odnosi na njihovu taktičku primenu pri izvršavanju kompleksnih zadataka. Posebno se razmatra pitanje zakonodavnih novina i inicijativa koje su se pojavile u Američkom zakonodavnom sistemu, a imajući na umu sve dominantniji stav svetske populacije na temu zaštite životinja, za očekivati je da će se uskoro slična tema pokrenuti i kod nas. U ovom istraživanju pored analize, dedukcije i uporedne naučne metode, takođe je korištena i metoda specijalizacije. Na kraju ovog istraživanja u zaključnim razmatranjima iznet je osvrt na najznačajnije delove rada kao i na konkretne zaključke koji proizilaze iz ovog celogkupnog istraživanja, a svakako izneti su i lični stavovi autora.
ABSTRACT: The use of animals in the execution of complex tasks by police officers and military units does not represent any novelty in the operational and legal sense. But, this topic has not been considered enough in professional and scientific circles, for which there should be found some space, especially if we take into account certain “news” in the legislative sense occurred at the international level. The basic hypothesis of this paper refers to the consideration of the issue of the use of a police service dog. Within the previously mentioned discussion, the focus of the work is grouped into two parts, namely the first part relates to the legislative provision of the use of police service dogs in terms of training and use, while the second one refers to their tactical application when performing complex tasks. In particular, it is considered the issue of legislative news and initiatives appeared in the American legislative system. Bearing in mind the increasingly dominant attitude of the world population on the topic of animal protection, there is to be expected that a similar topic will soon be raised in our country too. In this research, in addition to analysis, deduction and comparative scientific methods, the specialization method was also used. At the end of this research, in the concluding remarks, there was presented a review of the most significant parts of the work as well as specific conclusions arising from this overall research. Of course, the authors’ personal views were also included.
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Ključne reči: policijski službeni pas, obuka psa i vodiča pasa, taktička upotreba, zakonska regulativa, sredstvo prinude
Key words: a police service dog, dog and dog handler’s training, tactical use, legal regulations, a means of coercion