Management of Crisis Caused by COVID-19 Pandemic with Respect for Human Rights
Abstract: Theoretical background: „In order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, governments around the world have introduced emergencies, measures restricting individual freedoms, social and economic rights, and global solidarity“. These measures closed schools, workplaces and transit systems, canceled public rallies, introduced mandatory house closures and introduced electronic surveillance. Methods: In the literature analysis, the content analysis method and the comparative method were used, which was also used for the analysis of crisis management in different countries of the world. A descriptive method was used in all segments of the work, as well as a case study analysis in the Republic of Serbia. „Results with conclusions: COVID-19 is an unprecedented global threat and human rights should be at the core of the global response“. States have not always shown an adequate response to the crisis. The results of the research showed that the digital tools and technologies used during the pandemic monitoring were not always ethically correct and caused public distrust. „Governments should enact laws that are proportionate, necessary and non-discriminatory to the most vulnerable members of society and should ensure that laws mitigate the worst effects of the crisis on vulnerable groups and must be open and transparent.“ Global solidarity is essential. The terrible scale of this crisis offers an opportunity to radically reconsider the obligation of states to protect the health system and prepare it for the future.
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Key words: crisis, human rights, pandemic, healthcare system, solidarity, Serbia.