Naslov (eng)

Procedural aspects of the constitutional revision in the field of judiciary and restraints of the authorities of the National Assembly

Naslov (srp)

Proceduralni aspekti ustavne revizije u oblasti pravosuđa i ograničenje nadležnosti Narodne skupštine


Bálint, Pásztor

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: The subject of this paper is an analysis of the procedure of the amendments to the “Mitrovdan” Constitution from the perspective of adherence to the procedure and protection of the constitutional continuity. Considering the multivalent effect of the constitutional revision on the strenghtening of the constitutional order, constitutional culture, and rule of law in an unique legal-political moment immediately following the proclamation of the Act on Amendments to the Constitution, but prior to the enactment of the set of judicial laws, the study aims to analyse whether the procedure of the constitutional amendment contributed to the furtherance of the constitutional democracy. The scope of the study is limited to a procedure, the sequence of formal acts following a prescribed procedure for the constitutional amendment, while the subject of the amendments is reflected upon only as it is necessary for understanding both the essence and context of the matter. It is indisputable that by adopting 29 amendments to the “Mitrovdan” Constitution and guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary and prosecution there was made an important step in the process of overcoming tensions between both the form and substance of the constitutional political culture. But, at the same time, there were some additional restraints of the authorities of the National Assembly. The process of improving the constitutional democracy, preserving the constitutional continuity, and building the constitutional culture of Serbia is analysed from a historical perspective, with a special reference to the procedure for adopting the 2006 Constitution. The methodological, historical-comparative approach is completed by analyzing the comments and interpretations of certain constitutional acts, laws, and bylaws. The additional value of the analysis stems from the methodological facts being interpreted from the perspective of a fifteen-year experience as a Member of Parliament, and a direct participant in the constitutional review process as a member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Legislation of the National Assembly.

Opis (srp)

REZIME: Predmet rada je analiza procedure promene Mitrovdanskog ustava iz perspektive poštovanja propisanog postupka i očuvanja ustavnog kontinuiteta. Budući da razmatramo viševalentni uticaj ustavne revizije na jačanje ustavnog poretka, ustavne kulture i vladavinu prava u jedinstvenom pravno-političkom trenutku, neposredno po proglašenju Akta o promeni Ustava a pre donošenja seta pravosudnih zakona, rad ima za cilj da istraži da li je procedura ustavne revizije doprinela unapređenju ustavne demokratije. Delokrug analize ograničavamo na proceduru, sled formalnih odluka koje prate propisani postupak za promenu Ustava, a sadržinom promena se bavimo samo u meri koliko je potrebno da bi se razumela suština i kontekst. Nesporno je da je usvajanjem 29 amandmana na Mitrovdanski ustav i garancijom nezavisnosti sudstva i samostalnosti tužilaštva, učinjen važan korak u procesu prevladavanja napetosti između forme i sadržine ustavne političke kulture ali su istovremeno i dodatno ograničene nadležnosti Narodne skupštine. Proces unapređenja ustavne demokratije, očuvanje ustavnog kontinuiteta i izgradnju ustavne kulture Srbije analiziramo u istorijskoj perspektivi, sa posebnim osvrtom na proceduru donošenja Ustava iz 2006. godine. Metodološki, istorijsko- komparativni pristup zaokružujemo analizom komentara i tumačenja određenih ustavnih, zakonskih i podzakonskih akata. Dodatna vrednost analize proizilazi i iz činjenice da metodološka saznanja tumačimo iz rakursa 15-godišnjeg iskustva narodnog poslanika i neposrednog učesnika u procesu ustavne revizije u svojstvu člana Odbora za ustavna pitanja i zakonodavstvo Narodne skupštine.






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Ključne reči: ustavna revizija, Narodna skupština, Mitrovdanski ustav, ustavna demokratija, ustavna politička kultura

Key words: Constitutional Revision, the National Assembly, “Mitrovdan” Constitution, Constitutional Democracy, Constitutional Political Culture

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:1575 Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe