Naslov (srp)

Игуман и архимандрит

Naslov (eng)

Abbot and archimandrite


Јањић, Драгана

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: Достојанство игумана и архимандрита као тема овог рада има за циљ да хронолошки разграничи ова два монашка достојанства (уколико је то могуће) и прикаже њихов јерархијски значај у оквиру монашких заједница и постепено преузимање првенства архимандрита у односу на достојанство игумана.

Opis (eng)

The term abbot, within a monastic community, implies the head of a monastery or a certain group of hermits. We come across this term already in the New Testament, later in the lives and writings of the Holy Fathers. When the name of the abbot of the monastery was denoted, after the original term abba, the name abbot and archimandrite came into use as its synonym. Until the middle of the 6th century, no difference could be established between these two church dignities. The dignity of the archimandrite was taken from the Greek word ἀρχιμανδρίτης, which means an elder in a fenced monastery space, but also the first monastic dignitary, in relation to the abbot of other monasteries in one area. Justinian's 123rd novel about bishops, clergy and monks brought the basic provisions of monastic life with government officials. Thus, the institution of archimandrites was made official in Justinian's legislation, and since this institution is not mentioned in the canons of the Church, then, in a way, it was subsequently regulated by the Church. It could be concluded that the dignity of the archimandrite, in its original form, refers to the head of one local monastery or the head of several monastic communities who enjoyed greater dignity in relation to the abbot.






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Кључне речи: игуман, архимандрит, Црква, канони, монаштво.

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