Naslov (eng)

Medieval district of Pčinja

Naslov (srp)

Средњовековна Жупа Пчиња


Јањић, Драгана

Opis (srp)

Сажетак: Тема рада настоји да у оквиру жупске организације средњовековне Српске државе убицира могућност постојања жупе Пчиња на простору Jугоисточне Србије, која је улазила у састав земље Жеглигово, а чији жупски карактер није потврђен у историјским изворима.

Opis (eng)

Summary: Based on the above, it can be concluded that all the mentioned villages of the Pčinja county in the area of Gornja Pčinja, within the borders of today’s Republic of Serbia, according to the cadastral census of settlements from 1951-1956. year, belong to the Pčinja district and mostly coincide with the census of villages in the nahija of Pčinja from the 16th century, which exist with certain changes in the name of the settlement even today. As a predominantly mountainous area, the area of Gornja Pčinja, which is located in the source part of Pcinja, stands out as a special smaller territorial unit, surrounded by its tributaries. In the Middle Ages in the area of southeastern Serbia, there were district areas where the names of districts were not attested. The district character of certain areas points to the fact that the area of Gornja Pčinja was certainly included in the district organization, considering that under Turkish rule, the borders of the nahija Pčinja included the area of Vranjska and Gornja Pčinja.






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Key words: district, area, episcopate (diocese), nahiye, Pčinja.

Кључне речи: жупа, област, епископија, нахија, Пчиња.

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