Naslov (srp)

Галич - средњовековно утврђење

Naslov (eng)

Galich medieval fortress


Јањић, Драгана

Opis (eng)

Summary: The fortification system of forts in the territory of Raska, Kosovo and Metohija and the Rozaje region, erected within Justinian's renewal of the inner Limes, was adapted to the functional worthiness of the fortification itself. Namely, a properly chosen position adapted to the field where the natural strategic advantage of the position of the rocks was used, which enabled a good overview of the environment and the possibility of communication with other areas directly related to the exploitation of mineral wealth. In the area along the upper Ibar River, the fortress Galich was located on the line of Byzantine attacks in 1149. According to the field conditions and the task performed in the given political circumstances, the Fortress Galich would fulfill all of the aforementioned characteristics of the military fortification of a refugial type, with a primary emphasis on defending important strategic points in the course of an enemy attack.

Opis (srp)

АПСТРАКТ: У раду се настоји да се прикаже историјски пресек тврђаве (κάστρον) Галич у контексту историjских догађаjа у XII веку, с освртом на систем утврђења на простору Метохије, Рашке и Полимља, којим су контролисани комуникацијски правци.






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KEY WORDS: fortress, Galich, castron, fortification, communication, strategy.

КЉУЧНЕ РЕЧИ: тврђава, Галич, кастрон, фортификација, комуникације, стратегија.

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