Naslov (eng)

Digital assets – a legal approach to the regulation of the new property law institute

Naslov (srp)

Digitalna imovina – legislativni pristup regulisanju novog imovinskopravnog instituta


Mirković, Predrag

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: Development of a digital technology has transformed the way in which an individual, a social group or community, i.e. a state, interacts in their domains of interest. The application of a digital technology, especially ICT, has caused the need to review whether the existing legislative solutions correspond to such news, or whether it is necessary to change or supplement the legal system of the state with new regulations. One of such issues refers to the creation of new types of assets identified as digital assets or the assets based on the creation of a digital technology. The subject of the research paper is the analysis of the institute of digital property with a special reference to the legislative domain of the way of issuing digital property. In his work, the author affirmed the issue of the importance of the legislative challenge in the standardization of relevant social phenomena and relations in the age of the intensive development and application of a digital technology. The aim of the work was achieved in the domain of the conducted normative analysis of the relevant provisions of the Digital Property Act in the part referring to the legislative approach to standardizing the concept of the digital property institute, as well as the particular issues from the domain of issuing digital property.

Opis (srp)

REZIME: Razvoj digitalne tehnologije transformisao je način na koji pojedinac, društvena grupa ili zajednica odnosno država obavljaju interakcije u svojim interesnim domenima. Primena digitalne tehnologije, naročito IKT jeste uslovila potrebu za preispitivanjem da li postojeća legislativna rešenja odgovoraju takvim novinama, ili je nužno pravni sistem države menjati ili dopunjavati novim propisima. Jedno od takvih pitanjа jeste kreiranja nove vrste imovine koja se identifikuje kao digitalna imovina ili imovina zasnovana kao kreacija digitalne tehnologije. Predmet istraživanja rada jeste pitanje analiza instituta digitalne imovine sa posebnim osvrtom na legislativni domen načina izdavanja digitalne imovine. Autor je radom afirmisao pitanje značaja legislativnog izazova u normiranju relevantnih društvenih pojava i odnosa u doba intenzivnog razvoja i primene digitalne tehnologije. Cilj rada jeste ostvaren u domenu sprovedene normativne analize relevantnih odredbi Zakona o digitalnoj imovini u delu koji se odnosi na legislativan pristup normiranju pojma instituta digitalne imovine, kao i partikularnih pitanja iz domena izdavanja digitalne imovine.






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Keywords: digital society, digital economy, digital assets, digital token, digital assets issuance

Ključne reči: digitalno društvo, digitalna ekonomija, digitalna imovina, digitalni token, izdavanje digitalne imovine

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