Naslov (eng)

Defining History and Historical Method from Jean Bodin to Arnold Toynbee


Tančić, Dragan
Elezović, Zvezdana
Elezović, Dalibor

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The study deals with the problem of defining historical science and historical method from the time of Jean Bodin to Arnold Toynbee. In the existing scientific-theoretical fund, there are various notions of history as a science as well as of the concepts that deny the existence of a historical method which can be determined by analyzing the scientific-theoretical fund, ranging from Jean Bodin to Arnold Toynbee as well as in other periods of time. Based on the analysis of the scientific question posed, it is indisputable that we can conclude that there is a special historical method as a method of historical sciences and that is as a general scientific method.






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Key words: History, historiography, scientific method, historical method, the subject of science, analyzing.

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