Naslov (eng)

Banking in Lazarevac between two world wars

Naslov (srp)

Банкарство у Лазаревцу између два светска рата


Бецић, Иван

Opis (eng)

Summary: The economic development of the Kingdom of Serbia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was also characterized by a large number of small local financial institutions, which arose from the need to lend primarily to their shareholders. The Customs War gave an additional impetus to the development of banking in Serbia, so the number of financial institutions in the country increased significantly. In such circumstances, a financial institution was created in Lazarevac, under the name District Cooperative.The normal development of financial institutions in Serbia was hindered by the Balkan Wars, and completely stopped by the First World War. The district cooperative suffered some material damage during the war, but the central problem for its activation and normalization of work after the war was the moratorium on the repayment of pre-war debts. Since it was a financially weak institution, the District Cooperative depended on the collection of debts, but also on the increase of the basic capital, which it could not achieve in a small and economically underdeveloped environment. After a failed attempt to merge with Građanska banka from Belgrade, this institution changed its name to Kolubarska privredna banka and in the period from 1923 to 1926 achieved good profits and solid dividends to its shareholders. During the twenties, there was an attempt to establish two more financial institutions in Lazarevac, but the founders failed to register the initial capital, which clearly shows the financial strength of the town. Kolubarska privredna banka remained the only institution of its type in Lazarevac, and Milovan Lazarevic, former member of parliament and the most frequent chairman of the Board of Directors, set the tone for the work. Since 1929, the bank recorded losses, so it tried to improve its position by opening a branch in Belgrade in 1930. However, the outbreak of the crisis, which was particularly felt in banking and agriculture, made it impossible for banks to operate normally, so this institution, along with the largest number of other financial institutions in the territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, only survived during the thirties.

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: Жељу Краљевине Србије с почетка XX века да се политички осамостали од Аустро-Угарске, Двојна монархија покушала је да онемогући економским санкцијама. Да би преоријетисала своју привреду на нове видове производње и нова тржишта, Србија је морала да уложи већа финансијска средства, тако да је било неопходно интензивно јачање банкарског сектора. Новац је постао веома тражена „роба“, па су се широм државе оснивали нови новчани заводи, додуше са невеликим капиталом и могућностима да подмире, у одређеној мери, само захтеве сопствене, локалне средине. У таквим околностима отпочела је историја банкарства и у Лазаревцу, које је своје главне особине добило у међуратном периоду. У раду је, првенствено на основу архивске грађе, приказан развој банкарства у овој варошици, који, у многим сегментима, има карактеристике пословања новчаних завода у местима сличне величине.






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Кључне речи: Окружна задруга, Колубарска привредна банка, Милован Лазаревић, Воја Михаиловић, економска криза.

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