Naslov (srp)

Аспирације Великих сила према Косову и Метохији (1878–1945)

Naslov (eng)

Аspirations and plans of great powers toward Kosovo and Metohija (1878–1945)


Зарковић, Весна
Бецић, Иван

Opis (eng)

Summary: After Serbo-Turkish wars and the Berlin Congress, the territory of Kosovo and Metohija still remained under the Turkish reign. Seeing the recent demise of the Ottoman Empire, great powers had experienced this area as the field for their interests settlement so that they used each opportunity to interfere into the events. Personal interests and territorial aspirations stayed in the background which fit into their foreign policy plans. Kosovo and Metohija, due to its geographic position in the centre of the Balkans, where the roads in different directions opened, represented an important strategic point for great powers. Besides its own value, this territorywas gaining its importance, so if we take into account historical circumstances, it is quite understandable such interest for numerous states. The great powers, at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, were the following: Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, England, Italy and Germany and they largely influenced the events at the mentioned territory. Nevertheless, neither of these states had the same plans and aspirations nor they engaged themselves with the same intensity, which their impact on events depended on. Besides great powers, Balkan states had their interests and plans regarding the territory of Kosovo and Metohija and they directed their activity as well. The interested states were, first of all, Serbia and Bulgaria, then Montenegro and Greece and some minor plans had Romania. Bearing in mind the fact the events happened at the territory which was within the Ottoman Empire, it was quite understandable it had impact on the development of the situation, and more than all Balkan states. The activity of the Ottoman Empire manifested through the official institutions of the state and through mechanisms which were not often in accordance with European achievements. One of the most important mechanisms of Turkish state were the Albanians, whom were subject to the impact of the developed states. Their activity was connected with temporary political circumstances. The advent of the 20th century additionally showed the importance of Kosovo and Metohija in the great powers plans. Balkan wars, although had brought the liberation and annexation to Serbia, did not settled the issue of this territory due to the aspirations of great powers, their plans and activity. The best examples for that are world wars, the First and the Second one, during which the territory of Kosovo and Metohija was divided among many states. The relations of great powers toward the territory of Kosovo and Metohija from the Berlin Congress until now has represented the final phase of Eastern question settlement. In historiography and literatureit had long been considered this question was settled by WWI. The recent events show that this question has not been settled yet.

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: У раду се указује на значај територије Косова и Метохије, на коју су велике силе гледале као на повољно тло за остварење својих циљева и аспирација. Преломни догађај био је Берлински конгрес, који је решавање Источног питања препустио великим силама и на Балкан довео Аустроугарску. Њен главни такмац била је Русија, која је узмицала због заузетости на Далеком истоку. Планови Двојне монархије за продор на исток ишли су директно преко територије Косова и Метохије. Препрека остварењу њених планова били су Срби, против којих је Аустроугарска нашла савезнике у Арбанасима. Страдање Срба изазвало је реакцију великих сила које су покренуле увођење реформи чији је прокламовани циљ био побољшање положаја хришћана. Међутим, акција није дала резултате јер је територија изузета из реформи, на изричит захтев Аустроугарске. Анексиона криза и Младотурска револуција су питање Косова и Метохије ставиле у други план, али само накратко јер су убрзо избили балкански ратови. Иако су донели ослобађање и припајање Србији, балкански ратови нису коначно решили питање ове територије, управо због претензија великих сила, њихових планова и деловања. Најбољи пример за то су светски ратови, Први и Други, током којих је територија Косова и Метохије била подељена између више држава.






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Key words: Kosovo and Metohija, great powers, Serbia, Ottoman Empire, Balkan states, Eastern question.

Кључне речи: Косово и Метохија, велике силе, Србија, Османско царство, балканске државе, источно питање.

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