Naslov (eng)

Joint stock savings bank of Niš 1885-1941

Naslov (srp)

Niška akcionarska štedionica 1885-1941


Becić, Ivan
Antić, Dejan

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: U poslednje dve decenije 19. veka u Kraljevini Srbiji osnovan je veliki broj lokalnih novčanih zavoda. Ove ustanove postale su nosilac investiranja u privredu jer državne finansije to nisu omogućavale. Osobenost organizovanja bankarskog tržišta u Srbiji bila je ta da su banke nastale ne zbog viška novca na tržištu već upravo iz suprotnog razloga, zbog njegovog nedostatka. Rad novčanih zavoda posle Prvog svetskog rata nastavljen je ne samo u novoj državi već i u potpuno drugačijim okolnostima. U članku je, prvenstveno na osnovu arhivske građe, ali i objavljenih izvora i relevantne literature prikazan rad Niške akcionarske štedionice, kao primer rada novčanih zavoda na istoku države koji se nisu našli u situaciji da zatraže zaštitu zbog moratorijuma na otplatu zemljoradničkih kredita tokom tridesetih godina 20. veka u Jugoslaviji. Njihov rad je, međutim, bio krajnje ograničen, što zbog ekonomske krize koja je ograničavala mogućnosti za poslovanje, što usled osobenih prilika u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji.

Opis (eng)

Summary: In the Kingdom of Serbia, a large number of local financial institutions operated at the end of the 19th century. The very first monetary organization in the south of Serbia was known as the Joint Stock Savings Bank and was founded in 1885. Like most banks, it was created to provide favorable loans, especially to its shareholders. The stockholders were mostly members of business companies and therefore the banks themselves were the owners of these companies and engaged in industrial affairs. The joint stock savings bank of the city of Niš was the holder of the Cotton Spinning manufacture and Mill. During World War I, this bank suffered heavy damage and after the end of the war it found itself in a disparate trading position. In due course, the management of the Joint Stock Bank of Niš realized that industrial jobs had become unprofitable and that was the main reason why it developed into a banking institution, in any way the leading source of income it had from short term discount loans and current accounts. So, for these reasons, the bank brought a constant dividend to its shareholders in the 1920s. The economic crisis not only restricted the money business but caused a complete collapse. The widespread circumstances of the economy in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia prevented more serious and successful business, so, the Joint Stock Saving Bank of Niš did not find itself in a situation where the claims of its creditors exceeded its ability to pay, and all its business was symbolic compared to the previous decade. Under these conditions, at the outbreak of World War II the Joint Stock Savings Bank of Niš had no choice but to stop trading.






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KEYWORDS: Joint Stock Savings Bank of Niš, Discount, Dividend, Mill, Cotton Spinning Manufacture, Economic Crisis.

KLJUČNE REČI: Niška akcionarska štedionica, eskont, dividenda, mlin, Predionica pamuka, ekonomska kriza.

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