Naslov (eng)

Changes of forest habitats destroyed by fire and the rate of natural revitalisation of damaged ecosystems


Ratknić, Мihailo
Ratknić, Тatjana
Miletić, Zoran
Čokeša, Vlado
Stajić, Snežana
Braunović, Sonja
Ćirković-Mitrović, Tatjana


Institute of forestry

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The paper examines the possibilities of natural regeneration of forest ecosystems destroyed by fire. The development of monitoring is presented in particular for black pine and beech forest sites, in which successive vegetation changes were analysed. The vegetation dynamics in presented localities was monitored immediately after the fire, a year, two years, three years, four years, five years and ten years after the fire. It has been established that the vegetation in a submontane beech forest site belongs to the Atropetum belladonnae association (Br.Bl.1930) - Tx.1931, Em, 1950. Four facies have been identified in the association. The post-fire natural regeneration of black pine depends on intensity of fire and the possibility for insemination of the area after the fire. The vegetation of fire sites on black pine forests’ serpentine soil belongs to the Euphorbieto (cyparissias)-Brachypodietum pinnati association, and within it, four facies have been identified.






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fire, ecosystem, revitalisation, monitoringе

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