Naslov (eng)

Digital Evaluation of Nitrite-Reduced “Kulen” Fermented Sausage Quality


Siminović, Stefan
Đorđević, Vesna Ž.
Lakićević, Brankica
Đekić, Ilija
Lorenco, Jose M.
Barba, Francisco J.
Tomašević, Igor


Hindawi Publication Company

Opis (eng)

'is study aimed to evaluate nitrite reduction impact on geometry, colour, chemical, microbiological, and sensory traits of dry sausage (kulen) traditionally prepared with red hot paprika powder. 'ree batches of kulen with different nitrite levels were produced and assessed: N110 (control with 110 mg/kg of sodium nitrite), N55 (55 mg/kg of sodium nitrite), and NF (without sodium nitrite). Samples for the analyses were taken on production day, after 8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 days of ripening and after 50 and 100 days of storage. Four novel digital methods for quality assessment were deployed such as computer vision system (CVS), three-dimensional (3D) laser imaging, oral processing, and temporal dominance of sensations (TDS). Reduction and removal of nitrites from the formulation of kulen did not result in significant (P< 0.01) differences in lightness (L ∗), redness (a ∗), and yellowness (b ∗) of the sausage surface, meat, and fat parts that were measured independently by means CVS. Sausages produced by 50% nitrite reduction (N55) showed no significant (P< 0.01) differences in terms of geometrical, chemical, colour, microbiological, and oral processing parameters compared with the control (N110) batch. On the other hand, the complete removal of nitrites from kulen formulation negatively affected biogenic amine levels and oral processing properties of the product. Nitrite reduction showed no significant effect on TDS curves among the batches. 'e results of this study indicate that nitrite content in traditional kulen can be reduced by 50% (55 mg/kg of sodium nitrite) without adversely affecting the various quality properties of the product.






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o:32 Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa