Naslov (eng)

The position of woman in society through history

Naslov (srp)

Položaj žene u društvu kroz historiju


Брашњић, Фахрета
Шево, Бојан

Opis (eng)

Summary: “Women’s rights” have not achieved equality with the “human rights of men” yet, thus with the ones which men appropriate and apply on themselves. Women are underpaid for the job which they do in relations to men, they are often victims of maltreatment, and they get work in a more difficult manner. Today, women should struggle for their rights and equality with men throughout the world. Women, and some of them with male allies, hundreds years back literally gave their lives for female right to education, vote and other rights we were enjoying today. They are those to whom we should be grateful that we could deal with politics, vote and to be voted. We are due equal and greater rights and freedoms to the upcoming generations of girls and boys. Nevertheless, patriarchal society which still rules in the Balkans and at other geographic, social, political and religious areas, does not allow women to “raise their heads” out of these elementary issues and overtake their part of responsibility in social, political and other ways of life, and especially to new current of politically aware women to overtake a concrete public political and other position. On the contrary, the whole potential of public activity is directed toward men and women are to be positioned three or more steps behind social processes and especially the ones of political leaders, for example on elections posters and other. The above mentioned conclusions in accordance with methodological standards are subjected and verifiable, that is, verification of knowledge on the subject of this paper is undisputed, or in other words, “the feature of verification of scientific knowledge means the possibility of interpersonal verification in some conditions, the existence of appropriate arguments and procedure” (Gordić–Termiz–Tančić 2016: 17).

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Nemoguće je ne primjetiti koliko su žene, kako u prošlosti, tako i sada, bile isključene iz svih bitnih segmenata društva, shavćenog u ukupnosti. Zašto je žena, i pored svih zakonskih okvira, bila podredjena muškarcu i ostala okovana patrijarhalnim okovima, kako na Balkanu, tako i na drugim geografskim prostorima, je pitanje od suštinskog značaja za svako savremeno društvo i države? Opšte saglasnosti o ovom značajnom društvenom, političkom i verskom pitanju u postojećem naučnom fondu ne postoje. Na žalost!






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Ključne reči: žena, položaj žene, Balkan, feminizam, feministički pravci.

Key word: Woman, woman’s position, the Balkans, feminism, feministic orientations.

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