Naslov (eng)

Recognized values of the content of hazardous and harmful substances in the soil from the angle of science and legislation


Grujić, Tara
Maksimović, Jelena
Dinić, Zoran
Pivić, Radmila
Stanojković-Sebić, Aleksandra
Jovković, Marina


Ekoiloški pokret Novog Sada

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Based on the role that soil has for life on Earth, preservation of soil as a resource for future generations is highly positioned environmental priority of the international community. Assessing the soil use risk is a very important fact for assessing its quality, but also for obtaining healthy food. National legislation defines criteria that are binding as tools for assessing soil use risk and it varies between countries. Science has recognized that due to the influence of many factors on the mobility of hazardous and harmful substances, it is necessary to use modeling to obtain logarithms that would be used in machine learning and artificial intelligence, which should be applied in legislation.

Opis (srp)

Identifikator monografske publikacije: ISBN 978-86-83177-57-8






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soil, hazardous and harmful substances, legislation, modelovanje

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:508 Institut za zemljište