Naslov (eng)

Collaborative hydraulics - next generation tools for highway design in complex interactions with river


Babić-Mladenović, Marina
Damjanović, Vanja
Krunić, Boris
Cvijanović, Nevena
Stojadinović, Luka


Jaroslav Černi Water Institute

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The impact of the highway on the environment is inevitable, particularly when the highway interacts with watercourses and existing water facilities. Hydraulic engineers are responsible for demonstrating that impacts of the highway will be avoided or minimized to the extent possible. The crucial and indispensable step in this process is the hydraulic analysis of the watercourse and its interaction with various structures located or planned in the river valley. Since traditional hydraulic tools do not effectively support the required levels of inquiry and analysis, "collaborative hydraulics" with next-generation tools had to be introduced to enable better design, enhanced communication, and more efficient design delivery. Nextgeneration tools include two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic modelling software, graphical interfaces, and supporting resources. 2D modelling is presently very efficient, intuitive, and accessible to engineers and designers, due to the advances in computer hardware, modelling software, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and survey practices. The visualization capabilities are high and assist in communicating design results and implications to various stakeholders through visually rich graphical output. Crucial for "collaborative hydraulics" implementation is a computational platform, which connects different software packages, and enables the effective exchange of data and communication between various specialists included in a design team. This paper presents the main features of the "collaborative hydraulics" approach, and some results of its application on the Morava Corridor Project. The work on the Morava Corridor Project is in progress, and hydraulic models are upgraded accordingly to be further used during the implementation of the project (design, construction, and maintenance).






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