Naslov (eng)

Seed quality of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in organic farming


Dozet, Gordana
Vasić, Mirjana
Cvijanovic, Marija
Miladinov, Zlatica
Savic, Aleksandra
Ugrenovic, Vladan
Đukić, Vojin

Opis (eng)

Common bean is a traditional plant species and part of nutrition and agriculture in many cultures. Bean has kept its important place both in conventional and organic production until nowadays. It is organically produced in Serbia on significant areas. Contemporary varieties of bean from the national list of released varieties are used for the organic production in Serbia. Sown areas under individual bean varieties in this type of production are usually from 0.3 ha to 3 ha in size. All of these indicate the need for producing quality seed material, which is also produced following the principles of organic production. The effects of varieties and application of different microbiological preparations on the quality of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were analysed in the study. The trial was following the principles of organic production. Two varieties ‘Zlatko’ and ‘Maksa’ served as testing material. Two microbiological preparations based on Trichoderma artoviride were applied, as well as EM TEH preparation made of microorganism mixture. Preparation with Trichoderma was applied by treating the seed and the soil, both before the sowing. EM TEH preparation was used for treating the soil before the sowing, bean plants on one half of the total area, as well as bean plants that were in phenophase more than 3-4 leaves until the beginning of flowering. Trial results were statistically processed using the method of two factorial split showed very significant effect on bean seed quality. ‘Maksa’ achieved significantly better quality of seeds compared to the variety ‘Zlatko’. The effect of other analysed factor (application of microbiological preparation), showed the effect on tested seed quality to a certain extent, depending on the treatment.






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beans, seed quality, variety, microbiological preparation

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